WTF: Climate Change, Displacement and the Border Industrial Complex
Wednesday, October 20 at 4:30pm PT, join us in conversation with Todd Miller author of Empire of Borders.
The United States is outsourcing its border patrol abroad—and essentially expanding its borders in the process.
The twenty-first century has witnessed the rapid hardening of international borders. Security, surveillance, and militarization are widening the chasm between those who travel where they please and those whose movements are restricted. But that is only part of the story. As journalist Todd Miller reveals in Empire of Borders, the nature of US borders has changed. These boundaries have effectively expanded thousands of miles outside of US territory to encircle not simply American land but Washington’s interests. Resources, training, and agents from the United States infiltrate the Caribbean and Central America; they reach across the Canadian border; and they go even farther afield, enforcing the division between Global South and North.
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Teri Mattson ·