Sept: SDG #17 Partnerships For the Goals
The Local Peace Economy joins the United Nations in its call for a Decade of Action to transform the world by 2030. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 17 goals, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. This month Sustainable Development Goal the Local Peace Economy is working on is #17 Partnerships For realizing the Sustainable Development Goals. A successful implementation of the 17 SDGs requires inclusive partnerships — at the global, regional, national and local levels — built upon principles and values, and upon a shared vision and shared goals placing people and the planet at the center.
Since civilization began 5000 years ago, a few men who ruled mainly as tribal kings, have been at war with each other, nature and subjugated women. Civilized history has been bloody, where once men hacked each other and innocent women and children with swords at the local city level, they can now on a global level destroy all of civilization with a push of a button. Their assault on nature has been equally as brutal. Practices on the local level, such as slash and burn, strip mining, clear cutting, over grazing has lead to deforestation, desertification of millions of acres of once productive land and on a global level the entire atmosphere is polluted along with all the oceans. These actions has pushed the earth and civilization to a tipping point. Soon the speed of climate change will outrun civilization’s ability to manage it affects on all life on earth.
These changing patterns have already disrupted food production resulting in suffering and conflict for people forced to migrate to find food because their local farm community land has become unproductive and countries that could help make their land sustainable don’t and block their entrance at the borders leaving them in limbo, hungry and without hope for a future where no one is left behind.
Civilization around the earth has a choice to make about the future we want. Do we want a future of a post apocalypse climate change disaster movie where civilization, because it failed to cooperative to prevent the disaster, has collapsed and roving humans bands fight and kill each other for food. That is the path we are on. Or do we want a future where citizens around the earth chose to cooperate with each other and make sure everyone has enough to eat.
After 5000 years of male lead tribal political warfare and exploitive assault on nature which has brought civilization to the brink of destruction. It is time to change the way civilization is managed. Civilization can no longer be managed in a male tribal completive way that benefits only a few and leads to violence, it has to be managed in a democratic non-violent cooperative way that benefits everyone. Moving towards a civilization that is peaceful and sustainable will require world leaders, civil society and leading business to engage in this transition collaboratively. It will require sustained effort on the part of policy makers and their constituents to rethink and redefine traditional measures of wealth, prosperity and well-being.
Time is running out for civilization, climate change is already effecting everyone of us and it going to take all of us working together to help each other to have a secure food supply and a bright future. Goal 17 is about strengthening the means of implementation and revitalization of the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development.
The world can tackle the climate and pollution crises together, but these interlinked crises require urgent action from the whole of society.
The United States of America back into the Paris Agreement on climate change and its commitment to carbon neutrality by 2050, strengthens global action. If adopted by every country around the world, can still prevent the worst impacts of climate change.
What can we do on the local level?
There is much we can do by making simply choices in our daily lives that can help our community and all communities toward a vitalization of partnership for sustainable development.
At Home and work
- Join/create a group in local community that seeks to mobilize action on the implementation of the SDGs
- Work with others in your company to integrate sustainability into daily operations
As a consumer at home and work
- Buy products that come from companies that have committed to sustainable production practices and green supply chain
- buy and issue green bonds
As a citizen and investor
- Encourage your governments to partner with
businesses for the implementation of the SDGs. - Tell your bank or investment institutions to invest in companies that manage their business sustainable
The Local Peace Economy joins the United Nations in its call for a Decade of Action to transform the world by 2030. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 17 goals, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. The spirit of human endeavor has demonstrated our shared ability to deliver the extraordinary. The 17 SDGs are our best tools/hope for people and planet.