SF Bay Area

3 Annual Shut Down Creech!-Spring 2017

             National Mobilization to Resist Militarized Drone and Perpetual Wars.

Everyone is invited to join us April 23-29, 2017, in the beautiful Nevada Desert just north of Las Vegas in its Campaign of Non-violent Actions to Ground Killer Drones, End Us Militarism and Perpetual War, at the 3rd Annual Weeklong Amazing Peace Convergence known as: Shut Down Creech. Since 2009  CodePink, along with dozens of protesters, have been arrested at drone bases worldwide demanding that the US government stop the indiscriminate killing, injury, and trauma to civilians in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Iraq, Yemen, Syria, and Libya caused by drones and endless wars. Be part of the global effort to Resist Drone Killing and Global Militarization.

WHERE: Camp Justice Peace Encampment, across the  highway from South Gate of CREECH AFB Indian Springs, NV.

This year’s program is still evolving, but with our creative volunteers, Luna and Flora, co-chairs of the Programming Group, joyful & inspirational activities and embellishments are sure to please! Mike Rufo is back to ROCK US OUT on Tuesday’s concert night!   If you can only come for 3 days, we recommend either M-W, or Tues-Th.  Please look carefully at the week’s scheduled program, before deciding.

Preparations for nonviolent direct action will take place on Mon. & Tues, April 24 & 25, to prepare for a large nonviolent drone resistance action planned on Wednesday, April 26.  Arriving by Mon. morning is highly encouraged so that those risking arrest, AND all support people can be well prepared. We encourage local affinity groups to consider and/or plan other forms of nonviolent resistance before arrival.

Weeklong Scheduled Highlites

  • Mon. & Tues, April 24-25, 9am Las Vegas Trials for “Citizen’s Arrest” of Creech Commander action

3 Anti-drone activists are on trial for Nov. 2016 action:  Read story & watch video. (Joseba Zulaika and Toby Blomé are on trial Mon. and Christian Stalberg is on trial Tues.) Courtroom support needed;  Pre-trial Anti-drone Rally in front of courthouse, Mon. 8:15am)

  • Monday, April 24 and 26 Special Event:  National Bird, film screening in Las Vegas. Drone whistle blowers to speak. 

7:30-9:30pm,  University of Nevada,   (NOTE: Tentative Time & Place – To be confirmed soon).
FMI about this powerful documentary: www.nationalbirdfilm.com/

  • Tuesday, April 25, Concert, Featuring Mike Rufo & Guests:

Mike Rufo brought his rocking music & song to Shut Down Creech last year and was quite a hit. Watch this cool music video from Creech, featuring Mike Rufo on guitar by Nico Colombant.

  • Wednesday, April 26, Day of mass nonviolent direct action

Planning and preparation will take place at Camp Justice on Monday and Tuesday to include nonviolence training. Pre-camp planning by “affinity groups” encouraged in weeks before.

  • Thursday, April 27, Human Wall Against Racism & Hate:  TRUMP HOTEL, Las Vegas

11am-1pm, NO DRONES, NO BAN, NO WALLS…..Protect the planet from Trump’s Hate.  Large drone model to attend!
Flashmob Dance in Las Vegas afterwards, followed by Creecher’s Talent Show in evening back at Camp Justice.

  • Friday, April 28, “Creating A PEACE Community”

Full day of formal and informal activities to help energize and build a growing anti-drone, anti-militarism global effort: connecting, debriefing, brainstorming, strategizing & nurturing.  We will end with a “Celebratory Feast” and some after dinner surprises.

Full hour by hour scheduled: scheduled program 

Please: register here. Though not required, registration better enables us to serve everyone’s needs.

For information on hotels and transportation: Housing and transportation

For information on camping at: Camp Justice

For  information on meals being provided: Meals

Please join the event on Facebook (and share with others!) and/or follow us on Twitter at @ShutDownCreech …and watch this location for updates!

Please Contact Us and let us know how we can make Shut Down Creech even better in 2017!

Why we protest to Shut Down Creech.

We  protest at Creech because we want to stop the killing of innocent children, women and men. Recent independent research indicates that the identity of only one out of 28 victims of U.S. drone strikes is known beforehand. Though officials deny it, the majority killed by drones are civilians. Thousands of non-combatants, even American citizens, have been killed in covert drone missions. People  are being killed attending family weddings, funerals, sleeping in their  beds, praying in Mosques, and visiting wounded relatives in hospitals. Along with the destruction of hospitals, schools,  mosques, infrastructure  entire towns and cities are being destroyed. The threat of terrorist attacks in the west are increasing as is the growing stream refugees around the world. No one feels safe or secure.  Peace is nowhere in sight.

In 2005, Creech Air Force Base secretly became the first U.S. base in the country to carry out illegal, remotely controlled assassinations using the MQ-1 Predator drones, and in 2006, the more advanced Reaper drones were added to its arsenal. Creech drone personnel sit behind computers in the desert north of Las Vegas and kill “suspects” thousands of miles away.

In 2014, it was leaked that the CIA’s criminal drone assassination program, officially a separate operation from the Air Force’s, has been piloted all along by Creech’s super-secret Squadron 17. In November 2015, four Air Force drone veterans who were based at Creech wrote to President Obama, “We came to the realization that the innocent civilians we were killing only fueled the feelings of hatred that ignited terrorism and groups like ISIS, while also serving as a fundamental recruitment tool similar to Guantanamo Bay. This administration and its predecessors have built a drone program that is one of the most devastating driving forces for terrorism and destabilization around the world.”

CODEPINK’S  Campaign of Non-Violent Actions against the worldwide killer drone network and endless wars are trying to halt US Global Militarism and the remote killings that has destabilized the Middle East,  created millions of civilian causalities, refugees and heightened feeling of insecurity in the west. The world desperately needs U.S. foreign strategy to become one of restraint, cooperation, rebuilding and mutual security.  The US drone program is rapidly proliferating as air bases are being converted to drone bases across the U.S. and abroad, but Creech remains the primary air base in U.S. state-sponsored global terrorism. Creech is where the killer drone program started–it is where we shall end it.

  • We must put an end to this desecration of our Mother Earth and all creatures who inhabit it.
  • We must put an end to the dehumanization of lives from Ferguson to Palestine to Syria and Yemen.
  • We must close all foreign U.S. military bases. Money for human needs.
  • We must put an end to drone murder, drone surveillance and global militarization.

In the last two years we had nearly 150 activists each year join us from 20 different states across the country, including dozens of veterans. Both years, in multiple and successful resistance actions, we were able to nonviolently interrupt business as usual, with dozens who risked arrest and were arrested to stand in strong opposition to the illegal U.S. “targeted killing” program.  Support people, who aren’t able to risk arrest, are equally needed. Let’s make SHUT DOWN CREECH 2017 an even more powerful stance against the brutality of drone killing.

This year we hope to double the number of people attending anti-drone actions, to demand the US government to Ground Killer Drones and End Endless Wars! CODEPINK demonstrates because we want our government to stop the killing and start the rebuilding of hospitals. schools, towns and people’s lives. We hope you can join us and help spread the word that drone strikes perpetuate endless war. It does not make us safer nor will it bring peace.   Come one, come all. Together we are PEACE!

RISE, LOVE, RESIST with us as we Shut Down Creech!

Inspirational Videos of Past Anti-drone Resistance at Creech AFB:

By Mauro Oliveira:

Shut DownCreech 2016,  (Drone Strike on Funeral Procession) (4 min)

ShutDown Creech 2015, “Drone Strikes – United States Terrorism” (25 min)

By Nico Colombant:

MusicVideo #1, Mike Rufo’s “Streets of Plenty” (4 min)

Music Video #2, Zoya Amarey, “Citizen’s of the World”  (3 min)

Fall 2016 CODEPINK Action, “Citizen’s Arrest” of Base Commander  (6 min)

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CodePink is a women's grassroots-initiated, worldwide organization of women and men working for peace, social justice and a green economy. CodePink SF serves the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond.










From our National Site

The national CodePink organization organizes for justice for Iraqis and to hold war criminals accountable. CodePink actively opposes the U.S. war in Afghanistan, torture, the detention center at Guantanamo, weaponized and spy drones, the prosecution of whistleblowers, U.S. support for the Israeli occupation of Palestine and repressive regimes.

Rooted in a network of local organizers, CodePink's tactics include satire, street theatre, creative visuals, civil resistance, and directly challenging powerful decision-makers in government and corporations. And, of course, wearing pink!