SF Bay Area

Protest Lockheed Martin

July 28, 2023 @ 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Lockheed Martin

Join Codepink and the Pacific Life Community and others for a one-hour vigil on the fourth Friday of every month to protest at the gates of the weapons-maker Lockheed-Martin facility in Sunnyvale.

Lockheed is the largest weapons manufacturer in the US and is the largest producer of nuclear weapons in the world.  It is also responsible for missiles that carry nuclear warheads, and Hellfire missiles which are shot from drones. We need a transformation of American priorities by divesting from hyper-militarism that is not making us safer, putting us deeper in debt and invest in the America people and spread peace and justice in the world.

Take Hwy 101 to Mathilda in Sunnyvale and turn right on Java to park on one of the side streets.  Meet at the Lockheed Martin gates on the corner of Mathilda and Java with banners, song, prayer and nonviolent action. Invite a friend or bring a family member to protest the military-industrial complex.
This a monthly vigil against nuclear weapons.  Every 4th Friday and every Friday during Advent and Lent


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CodePink is a women's grassroots-initiated, worldwide organization of women and men working for peace, social justice and a green economy. CodePink SF serves the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond.










From our National Site

The national CodePink organization organizes for justice for Iraqis and to hold war criminals accountable. CodePink actively opposes the U.S. war in Afghanistan, torture, the detention center at Guantanamo, weaponized and spy drones, the prosecution of whistleblowers, U.S. support for the Israeli occupation of Palestine and repressive regimes.

Rooted in a network of local organizers, CodePink's tactics include satire, street theatre, creative visuals, civil resistance, and directly challenging powerful decision-makers in government and corporations. And, of course, wearing pink!