“Flying a third of the Air Force’s sorties across Central Command’s area of operations, Predators and Reapers accounted for about 7 percent of strikes in 2015 and 9 percent of strikes in 2016 — but even more frequently, they found enemies and “passed the ball” to teammates. According to Col. Cluff of the 432nd Wing, Predators and Reapers were involved in “pretty much every engagement.” In the cycle from discovery to destruction, they were part of the kill-chain for 50,301 out of 61,723 strikes. In other words, just over 81 percent of the time the U.S. Air Force attacked, its enemies had been under a Reaper’s crosshairs.”
CREECH AFB, LV – Four women, all in their 60’s and 70’s, were arrested this morning (Monday, April 3) at the main gates here protesting the US illegal immoral assassin drone program – The US is currently bombing seven to nine countries and the Trump administration is in the process of ramping up this “assassination program on steroids.”Those arrested – they are still in custody at a local jail – for their peaceful opposition to terrorist drone warfare, which makes more terrorists and enemies with its indiscriminate killing, are: Toby Blome of El Cerrito, CA, Eleanor Levine of Oakland, CA. , Susan Witka of San Francisco, CA and Maggie Huntington of Flagstaff, AZ.CODEPINK, Veterans for Peace, and others said they are protesting increasing U.S. drone killings of civilians, including women and children, in Niger, and Mali, along with continued drone attacks in Afghanistan (“the most droned place in the world”), Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Libya and Pakistan.According to protestors, activists may risk arrest to nonviolently interrupt “business as usual” of illegal and immoral targeted killing by remotely controlled drones at Creech. “We are ‘marching for their lives’….our Muslim brothers and sisters who have a right to live their lives free from the ‘drone fire’ from the skies.”
Tuesday, demonstrators will tie in the massacres at home & abroad (ex: LV Mandalay casino mass killings, Florida/Parkland school mass killing reflects the bigger picture of our govt’s regular practice of mass killings/massacres by drones and conventional missiles (wedding parties, funerals, mosques, schools, homes, etc) in endless “warfare” against those unable to defend themselves, much like the students at the high schools cannot defend themselves against mass shooters.)
According to organizers: “With this week’s 50th anniversary of the My Lai Massacre, where the U.S. military slaughtered over 500 villagers in Vietnam, it is a time to reflect. The ongoing U.S. drone attacks represent modern day mini-My Lai massacres…relentless and barbaric, “hunting” people who have no ability to defend themselves.
“The U.S. Killer Drone Program is as covert as ever, but continues to brutally kill people in the poorest communities of the world, as they go about their daily lives, driving on a road, praying in a mosque, eating with their family, studying in school, attending a wedding party or funeral. ”
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