Report Back: Occupy Beale AFB
As military personnel continued down the road, they passed another large banner that read: “WAR IS A LIE.” We held individual signs stretched down the roadway that explained: “PRESIDENTS LIE, CONGRESS LIES, GENERALS LIE, MEDIA LIES, and, CIA LIES.” The last sign to be read simply said: “PEOPLE DIE,” a reminder of the tragic human cost of military “solutions.”
Later in the morning, 2 activists, Fred Bialy and Toby Blomé, carrying a sign that said, “LET VENEZUELA LIVE,” crossed the white line over the roadway, to bring their grievances to the Beale commander about the imminent U.S. coup and possible war on Venezuela. In prior actions at Beale, military security forces are usually hovering on the base side of the white line, ready to read the riot act and quickly arrest any protester who crosses over. But this time the military police car had left shortly before, and there was no military personnel in sight. Fred & Toby proceeded to carry their sign down the remaining half mile roadway toward the official security entrance gate. Walking backwards, in order to face the oncoming traffic into the pace, they held up peace signs and waved to the dozens of drivers entering the base. What was extraordinary was that many, including those in uniform, flashed us peace signs and waved to us as they entered. We believe that this was a positive sign that many of the military are themselves getting tired of endless warfare. Many have had fellow comrades injured or killed in deployments. For what?
Friday, March 1, 2019
Contact: Toby Blomé, 510-501-5412; Shirley Osgood, 941-320-0291
MARYSVILLE, CA (8:30 a.m.)– Two peace activists were arrested for trespassing by military police about 8 a.m. Friday as they held a “pre-emptive peace attack” by entering Beale Air Force Base to protest U.S. intervention in Venezuela – other protestors held banners near the Wheatland Gate.
Demonstrators just announced they are moving to downtown Marysville (3rd and E Streets) to continue the protests, starting around 11 a.m.
There have been protests at Beale AFB since Thursday in an effort to discourage the U.S. from attacking Venezuela.
Activists gathered this week at Beale AFB, urging the airmen to not participate in yet one more U.S. invasion of a sovereign nation. Flyers distributed were meant to educate Beale Airmen on the truth about U.S. Intervention in Venezuela. Large Banners and signs will include U.S. HANDS OFF VENEZUELA & LET VENEZUELA LIVE. NOT ONE MORE DEATH, NOT ONE MORE WAR!
A large WAR IS A LIE banner will be explained with signs: The President Lies, Congress Lies, Generals Lie, etc.
Protesters will hold up assorted civilian shoes strung on a rope to dramatize the real cost of war that comes with a violent U.S. military intervention.
A “Pre-emptive Peace Strike”/peaceful nonviolent resistance to a potential U.S. war on Venezuela will take place on Friday, during the morning commute to Beale AFB, at the Wheatland Gate, the largest commute artery into the base.
Activists realize the U.S. government is hell bent on war-making and global domination and bullying. We now have 17 years of warring with no end in sight.
“Our only hope for peaceful solutions in today’s world is to win over the hearts and minds of the lower ranks of the U.S. military,” said Toby Blomé, one of the organizers. “The U.S. War Machine cannot function without troops. There is overwhelming evidence that the Vietnam War came to a dramatic halt largely because the troops were resisting the war at home and in Vietnam. “There is no war without the warriors.”
Organizers are calling on U.S. troops to: DISARM, REFUSE, RESIST.
Background: The U.S. is openly threatening to topple the elected president of Venezuela, using a massive misinformation campaign to garner public support. President Trump is verbally threatening military intervention, while gathering US troops at the Venezuela/Columbia border. U.S. military intervention has been a complete failure. Through 3 consecutive administrations, Republican and Democratic, the U.S. has continually expanded military aggression around the globe in the last 17 years, bombing more countries with each new president.
This has wreaked havoc and destabilized the countries of Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia and elsewhere. The US ongoing bombing campaigns in these countries with drone missiles and conventional military aircraft has led to immeasurable suffering, death, destruction, and economic and humanitarian crises and more. Each of these countries are worse off than before U.S. intervention began. In addition, the cost to the taxpayer is in the trillions, money that should be spent on human needs and diplomacy. Activists call on all U.S. troops: “HANDS OF VENEZUELA, NOT ONE MORE WAR!” “All Troops Home Now!”
Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world. President Trump, John Bolton, and other U.S. officials have talked openly about the U.S. economic wins to be made, as they contemplate getting their hands on Venezuelan oil. In the guise of attempting to deliver “so called” humanitarian aid, the war propaganda machine is plowing forward. But even the U.N. and International Red Cross refuse to participate in this insincere ploy, declaring it is motivated by political not humanitarian purposes. WAR IS A LIE! NO BLOOD FOR OIL!
Note: Beale Air Force Base is a key control center for the US Global Hawk Surveillance Drone, which is a key player in the ongoing illegal US global Drone Assassination Program. Beale is one of the most important ISTAR military bases in the country. ISTAR = Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance.
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