SF Bay Area

Don’t let Biden go to war with Russia over Ukraine!

Tell your Representatives to call for diplomacy, NOT war with Russia!

Congressional Progressive Caucus chair Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) and Representative Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), who chairs the CPC’s Peace and Security Taskforce declared in a public statement about the developing crisis with Russia: “There is no military solution out of this crisis — diplomacy needs to be the focus.”

We need our Representatives to follow in their footsteps and publicly support diplomacy NOT war with Russia! This is URGENT! There’s already dangerous legislation in the House and Senate to send Ukraine MORE money and weaponry and President Biden has ordered 8,500 US troops to be on heightened alert for possible deployment to Eastern Europe.  

Congress must act! Fill out form below to contact your Reps to tell Biden: We need Diplomacy, NOT war with Russia!

Our Representatives must do everything in their power to immediately demand that NATO, the U.S., Russia and Ukraine pursue vigorous diplomacy for a negotiated solution. Contact your senators and representative now! 

CodePink is a women's grassroots-initiated, worldwide organization of women and men working for peace, social justice and a green economy. CodePink SF serves the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond.










From our National Site

The national CodePink organization organizes for justice for Iraqis and to hold war criminals accountable. CodePink actively opposes the U.S. war in Afghanistan, torture, the detention center at Guantanamo, weaponized and spy drones, the prosecution of whistleblowers, U.S. support for the Israeli occupation of Palestine and repressive regimes.

Rooted in a network of local organizers, CodePink's tactics include satire, street theatre, creative visuals, civil resistance, and directly challenging powerful decision-makers in government and corporations. And, of course, wearing pink!