Capital Calling Party: Abolish the Space Force!
On Tuesday, December 7, join CODEPINK Congress as we say NO to U.S. full spectrum dominance of the air, sea, land, and now SPACE! The U.S. Space Force was established under Trump through the FY2020 National Defense Authorization Act, despite the United States’ commitment under the Outer Space Treaty of 1967 which restricts the placement of weapons of mass destruction in space and bans military maneuvers on celestial bodies. Now Biden is on board with the Space Force, too – why? Let’s talk about the militarization of space, the escalation of the arms race, and the importance of protecting the heavens from earthling arms dealers.
Special Guests:
Congresswoman Maxine Waters represents the 43rd Congressional District in Los Angeles and has served in Congress since 1991. Congresswoman Waters, co-sponsor of the “No Militarization of Space Act” (H.R. 5335) and Chair of the House Financial Services Committee, will talk about the bill to abolish the Space Force and how the $15 billion budgeted for the Space Force could be spent on housing at home.
Bruce Gagnon is the Coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space and is a Vietnam-era veteran who regularly protests the Navy shipyard in Bath, Maine. Getting his start as a state coordinator of the FL Coalition for Peace and Justice, Gagnon has worked on space issues for more than 20 years. Valuable resources on the moon and planets form the next battleground for corporate profit, he says, and “defense” programs such as “Star Wars” actually are conceived as offense.
Capitol Calling Party
Join our Capitol Calling Party as we call and write our House members to co-sponsor H.R. 5335, which would abolish the Space Force to de-escalate the arms race.
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Marcy Winograd ·