SF Bay Area

Niagara Falls lights up blue for World Food Day 2021

October 16, 2021 @ 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM

VIRTUAL EVENT. The Niagara Falls Illumination Board and North American Plant Protection Organization (NAPPO) are raising awareness about World Food Day and is joining the global campaign to end hunger by lighting the iconic landmark of Niagara Falls, blue. The event will take place on 16 October 10pm Eastern Daylight time (GMT-4).

If you choose to visit the park please follow physical distancing guidelines or you can watch from the safety of your home at the link below.

Niagara Falls is an iconic natural landmark and is a connecting channel between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario – the largest freshwater lakes in the world containing 20% of the world’s fresh water. Water is a precious natural resource, and we need to work together to ensure a more efficient, equitable and environmentally friendly use of it. It is also an irreplaceable element of our industry and agri-food systems – tying a direct link with World Food Day’s key messages. The National American Plant Protection Organization (NAPPO), including Canada and the U.S., protects the North American region’s plant resources—and those around the world—against invasive pests and diseases. That work helps to feed people everywhere on Earth.

Watch the lighting on the EarthCam: https://www.earthcam.com/canada/niagarafalls/?cam=niagarafalls_str

CodePink is a women's grassroots-initiated, worldwide organization of women and men working for peace, social justice and a green economy. CodePink SF serves the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond.










From our National Site

The national CodePink organization organizes for justice for Iraqis and to hold war criminals accountable. CodePink actively opposes the U.S. war in Afghanistan, torture, the detention center at Guantanamo, weaponized and spy drones, the prosecution of whistleblowers, U.S. support for the Israeli occupation of Palestine and repressive regimes.

Rooted in a network of local organizers, CodePink's tactics include satire, street theatre, creative visuals, civil resistance, and directly challenging powerful decision-makers in government and corporations. And, of course, wearing pink!