August 25, 2022 @ 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Join our protect water walk in solidarity with the
Treaty People Walk for Water 16 day protest march against the Enbridge fossil fuel pipeline that’s violating 21 river crossings. On Wednesday August 25th we walk to honor the water here in occupied Ohlone territory. We stand in defense of the land, the water, the earth, and her defenders globally.
In hope and prayer, we call on policymakers and all of us to:
– Uphold treaty rights!
– Protect the rights of Manoomin (wild rice), Nibi (water), which are now being threatened by the Line 3 Pipeline!
– Save West Berkeley Shellmound!
We’re calling on all beings to defend our mother earth from capitalist destruction so there can be harmony for the next seven generations!
BAY AREA ORGANIZATIONS: Silicon Valley Climate Action Now, Extinction Rebellion SF Bay Area, Diablo Rising Tide, Idle No More SF Bay Area, 1000 Grandmothers, Sunrise Movement, CODEPINK Golden Gate Chapter, 350.org Bay Area, Jews on Ohlone Land, Climate Health Now, Fossil Free California, Oil & Gas Action Network, and more
Wednesday, August 25 @ 4 PM
Meet at Frank Ogawa / Oscar Grant Plaza, Oakland, CA 94612
BART: 12th Street Station in Oakland
MORE INFO: https://www.facebook.com/events/650673259231984/
We are asking everyone follow safety protocols for COVID-19. Please practice social distancing, and wear a mask.
– Leaving Oscar Grant Plaza (around 4:20p)
– Rest stop: grass lawn south of Dreamland for Kids Playground,
Bolivar Dr, Berkeley Aquatic Park
(Estimated arrival 6:00p)
– Last stop: West Berkeley Shellmound, 1920 Fourth Street, Berkeley
(Estimated arrival 6:45-7:00p)
Check the Discussion tab of this Facebook event for live route progress updates!
BRING (some suggestions):
– snacks + water
– smoke protection
– musical instruments
– prayer objects
– candles
– layers
Accessibility: The walk is 5.1 miles along flat streets and sidewalks with curb cuts. Cars will accompany the walk to pick up those who need a break from walking. For a shorter option, meet us at Aquatic Park at approximately 6pm (or follow discussion on this event for more accurate timing). From there, the walk to the Shellmound is .7 miles. Supporters are also welcome simply to join us for prayer at the Shellmound at approximately 6:45 (or take a look at the Discussion tab on this event for posts with updates along the route).
Seating at Frank Ogawa/Oscar Grant Plaza is concrete risers. Limited chairs will be available at Aquatic Park and the Shellmound. Also feel free to bring your own chair. Restrooms are available at City Hall adjacent to Frank Ogawa/Oscar Grant Plaza and at Aquatic Park. The nearest restroom to the Shellmound is at Peets coffee, approximately a one block walk. A purchase is sometimes required to use that bathroom.
Once we’ve reached the end of the route, here are a few ways to get back to Oscar Grant Plaza via public transit:
It’s a half mile walk to San Pablo, where one can catch the 72 bus to Broadway and 17th, which is a couple minute walk to Frank Ogawa/Oscar Grant Plaza.
It is a 5 minute walk to University and 6th St, where one can catch the 51 bus to the Downtown Berkeley BART station, and exit at the 12th St Station, very close to Frank Ogawa/Oscar Grant Plaza.