SF Bay Area

International Day of the Forest

A community forest conservation area in Dalaikoro, Fiji. Forest cover is vital to maintain the ecosystem in the region, which is in turn critical for communities in the Pacific island nation.

FAO/Rudolf Hahn A community forest conservation area in Dalaikoro, Fiji. Forest cover is vital to maintain the ecosystem in the region, which is in turn critical for communities in the Pacific island nation.
Join the Local Peace Economy as we celebrate International Day of Forests. The Day celebrates and raises awareness of the importance of all types of forests. On each International Day of Forests, countries are encouraged to undertake local, national and international efforts to organize activities involving forests and trees, such as tree planting campaigns. The theme for each International Day of Forests is chosen by the Collaborative Partnership on Forests. This year’s theme: Choose sustainable wood for people and the planet.

When we drink a glass of water, write in a notebook, take medicine for a fever or build a house, we do not always make the connection with forests. And yet, these and many other aspects of our lives are linked to forests in one way or another.

Wood helps to provide bacteria-free food and water in many kitchens, build countless furniture and utensils, replace materials as harmful as plastic, create new fibers for our clothes and, through technology , be part of the fields of medicine or the space race.

It is vital to consume and produce wood in a more environmentally friendly way for the planet and its inhabitants. Let’s protect this easily renewable resource with a sustainable management of forests.

Forest sustainable management and their use of resources are key to combating climate change, and to contributing to the prosperity and well-being of current and future generations. Forests also play a crucial role in poverty alleviation and in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Yet despite all these priceless ecological, economic, social and health benefits, global deforestation continues at an alarming rate.

Child's hand holding a small tree cutting.

Restoration takes resources. Organizations driving activities on the ground are often underfunded and face financial insecurity.

PHOTO:UNEP/Will Baxter


The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 21 March the International Day of Forests in 2012. The organizers are the United Nations Forum on Forests and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in collaboration with Governments, the Collaborative Partnership on Forests and other relevant organizations in the field.

Did you know?

  • Forests are home to about 80% of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity, with more that 60,000 tree species.
  • Around 1.6 billion people depend directly on forests for food, shelter, energy, medicines and income.
  • The world is losing 10 million hectares of forest each year – about the size of Iceland

Source: FAO 2020


Forests and sustainable production and consumption

For millions of people across the world, wood helps provide safe drinking water, food and shelter – but wood can do much more and is a renewable resource when forests are managed sustainably..

FAO Event
March 21, 2022 15.00–19.00 GST/12.00–16.00 CET

Inspire for the Future – The Role of Forests in Ensuring Sustainable Production and Consumption

Experts in the field will discuss how forest-based innovations, resource efficiency, forest-based products and ecosystem services can contribute to a sustainable lifestyle and accelerate a shift towards more sustainable consumption and production. These efforts help to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, health, wellbeing and a transition towards low-carbon and green economies.

animated gif of a woodpecker pecking on a tree

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CodePink is a women's grassroots-initiated, worldwide organization of women and men working for peace, social justice and a green economy. CodePink SF serves the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond.










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Rooted in a network of local organizers, CodePink's tactics include satire, street theatre, creative visuals, civil resistance, and directly challenging powerful decision-makers in government and corporations. And, of course, wearing pink!