As always, we are teaming up with 1 Billion Rising for RISING GARDENS. Rising Gardens are a defiant creative call for revival, restoration and transformation. It is also a compassionate call for peace and justice. One of the greatest injustices of our time has been the destruction and eradication of Mother Earth, parallel to the ongoing and escalating gender-based violence. We cannot keep the ongoing extraction of women’s labor and earth’s produce, with no gratitude to both. We must honor and protect the Earth and women in order for any future life to exist.
In 2021 Codepink’s campaign the Local Peace Economy is joining with 1 Billion Rising Gardens and launching Planting Seeds of Peace to help grow a local, peaceful, sustainable, scared mother earth future. We can start with growing a garden. Do you have a garden where you live or in your community? Have you wanted to start a garden and needed the community to give you the courage and support? Do you want to plant seeds of peace? Join us and be part of the movement. We will connect you to teachers, tools, secrets of success, and an engaged community. Why a garden?
Gardens remind us of our enduring connection to life, to each other and to Earth, which compels us to do everything in our power to protect and nurture life and all that is sacred without doing harm. The cultivation of plant life is also a means for survival. Growing food in a garden organically – be it your own indoor garden or a community garden – allows you to feed yourself and your community. To care for a garden – to nurture it to bloom and grow – deepens our relationship to Mother Earth.
Maintaining a garden is an act of resistance because it does the opposite of what the capitalist machinery does: it connects people and communities with the Earth. To grow one’s own food, to grow beauty and life – is revolutionary in this age of ecological, environmental, societal, spiritual collapse. Join us. So we can move forward as ancestors who do not perpetuate cycles of violence upon future generations and who will be planting the seeds to nourish life for all our relations.
We all need to be and model how peace grows; investing ourselves in the path to peace, investing our time and talents locally. Let’s get our hands dirty and garden to nourish life, the planet, and peace! Join Planting Seeds for Peace!
We look forward to growing love not hate, food not bombs, healthcare not warfare, and peace not war with you in 2021,
Angela, Jodie, & Kelly
Raise the Vibration with your hands and bodies. RISE FOR WOMEN AND MOTHER EARTH.
Gardens are sacred spaces that engage and awaken our senses, make us believe in wonder, beauty and connection to all living beings. Like theatre, they are a place of play and of transformation – where we can celebrate and contribute to life.
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