SF Bay Area

Iraq Refugees

CodePink Travels to Iraq

CodePink is  traveling to Iraq to work with the Christian Peace Teams (CPT) an international organization set up to support teams of peace workers in conflict areas around the world. The CPT team is currently focusing on the internally displaced persons (IDPs) of the Pshdar district. Since 2011, it has been estimated that over 16 million people have been displaced from Syria and Iraq due to civil war and sectarian violence. Over 2 million refugees and (IDPs) have fled their home towns and countries, and have found refuge in Iraqi Kurdistan. According to the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), refugees and IDPs now represent 28% of the Iraqi Kurdistan’s total population.   A number of them are settled in 38 camps, while the rest, which are the majority, are living in the cities and town in the Kurdistan Region. At the same time, the Kurdistan Region hosts more than 97 percent of all the Syrian refugees in Iraq.

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CodePink is a women's grassroots-initiated, worldwide organization of women and men working for peace, social justice and a green economy. CodePink SF serves the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond.










From our National Site

The national CodePink organization organizes for justice for Iraqis and to hold war criminals accountable. CodePink actively opposes the U.S. war in Afghanistan, torture, the detention center at Guantanamo, weaponized and spy drones, the prosecution of whistleblowers, U.S. support for the Israeli occupation of Palestine and repressive regimes.

Rooted in a network of local organizers, CodePink's tactics include satire, street theatre, creative visuals, civil resistance, and directly challenging powerful decision-makers in government and corporations. And, of course, wearing pink!