4 Arrested At Oct. Monthly Occupy Beale AFB
4 Activists Arrested: Toby Blomé, Pamela Osgood, Shirley Osgood and Mauro Oliveira, just after being released, pictured above. While Trying to Impede Beale Air Force Base’s participation in the Remotely-operated Targeted Killing Program. 9 Anti-Drone Protesters Blocked Traffic Entering a U.S. Drone Base in Marysville, Calif.
In the rainy, dark early morning hours, 9 Northern California activists stood with large banners and blocked the main gate at Beale Air Force Base for over 30 minutes to protest the ongoing extra-judicial and secret U.S. drone killing program. Traffic was backed up for over a mile, while one activist approached the drivers, most of them airmen. Leaflets were handed to each driver, informing them about the horrible consequences of the drone program and the recent execution of 15 Afghan civilian men who were illegally killed by drone missiles in eastern Afghanistan, while sleeping in their beds, just last month.
After California Highway Patrol arrived on the scene and ordered the protesters to disperse from the road, 4 of the activists walked to the Beale AFB gate boundary line and continued to block traffic while educating the military police present about the recent civilian men wrongfully killed in Afghanistan. The United Nations is currently investigating the incident. Many critics of U.S. drone killing point out that blowback results from these policies. And 4 drone whistleblowers wrote a public letter to President Obama last fall, declaring that the drone program is a major factor contributing to spreading of radical extremism in the world.
Ultimately the 4 protesters crossed the base boundary line to express their grievances about the unlawful polices of drone assassinations that has led to the deaths of thousands of children, women and civilian men. The activists were detained, handcuffed for about an hour in the rain, charged with trespassing, and later released with a citation.
Beale AFB controls the Global Hawk surveillance drone that does surveillance, identification and tracking of potential targets for the very secretive remotely controlled assassination program. Many of the Beale personnel that work in the drone program see live post-drone strike carnage on their computer screens, which has contributed to their own psychic trauma and PTSD. The 15 civilian men in eastern Afghanistan who were killed by U.S. drone missiles last month, and the 13 others who were injured, were gathered to welcome a man who had just returned from his religious pilgrimage to Mecca. According to one source, they were all supporters of the current government in Afghanistan. “These are serious crimes against humanity that the U.S. is committing in the world,” says Toby Blomé, one of the organizers. “This cruelty will continue to cause blowback at the western world with future incidences of suicide bombings and escalation of violence. What the U.S. has unleashed on the world is a criminal practice that will haunt us for a long time. Tragically, neither of the current leading presidential candidates show any sign of halting these inhumane acts.”
The activists who participated in today’s action are part of a monthly, 6 year long, ongoing Beale AFB anti-drone protest. The messaging in today’s protest also called for Keeping Space for Peace, and Demilitarizing Our Space, drawing attention to Beale’s role in the U.S. Space Warfare Program, via Pave Paws, etc. More info can be found at:
http://www.space4peace.org Special Thanks to Bruce Gagnon!
FMI and photos: https://www.facebook.com/OccupyBealeAirForce
Many thanks to Occupy Beale AFB for their commitment to this ongoing campaign to oppose drone warfare and the US Global Empire…….even in the rainy darkness of the early morning!
Coming Actions:
(FMI: Toby Blome: ratherbenyckeling@comcast.net, 510-215-5974)
Toby Blomé, Bay Area CODEPINK, 510-541-6874
Mauro Oliveira, 530-356-7343
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