Codepinkers came from around the Bay:
- Tim from Fremont
- Karen from Petaluma (thanks for making reusable antitorture banner)
- Susan H, Eleanor, Jane, GG and Curt (WCW) from Berkeley & Oakland
- Thanks to Curt for wearing orange jumpsuit & black hood the entire hour!
Apologies if I’m forgetting anyone…
We held signs and banners, chanted & made our presence known at the Concord Hilton, and received lots of honks of support from passersby! Near the end of the action, Eleanor and Rick Sterling delivered our letter to the East Bay Leadership Council which all of us had signed. (See below for text.) It was received by the head of the EBLC, and his wife said that she agreed with us on Rove and that he should be asked “hard questions” at the speaking event.