4th Annual Shut Down Creech 2018: Big Changes for our Drone Resistance week.
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September 30, 2018 @ 8:00 AM – October 6, 2018 @ 9:00 AM
Hi Peacemakers and Drone Resisters!
April 1 – April 7: Codepink Drone Resistance Week at Creech
(Please note: this is a week earlier than previously advertised….details below).
Sept. 30 – October 6: 4th Annual Shut Down Creech
( Note the 2 weeks are switched!) (Both weeks are committed to using peaceful nonviolent resistance to put an end to drone killing and global warfare! Come for all or part of each week.)
1. We’re “flip flopping”! Shut Down Creech, (SDC), the “mass mobilization drone resistance” week is moving to the the autumn. Weather is milder, less wind. The “smaller” CODEPINK organized week is moving to the spring: April 1- April 7. (All welcome). If you are planning to come in the spring, consider joining NDE’s amazing Sacred Peace Walk as well, which will be the week just before. You can join all or part of both weeks.
2. Camp Justice at Shut Down Creech is moving to Goddess Temple Grounds, and will no longer be set up across from the base. This will make camping and peacemaking much friendlier: running water, showers, Peace Pavilion meeting area and lots of shade all at our fingertips! This makes for happier campers, and better energy for peaceful resistance!
3. Sponsorship for 4th Annual Shut Down Creech: We are inviting every peace & justice organization and chapters across the country to send at least one representative to SHUT DOWN CREECH. Let’s make 2018 Shut Down Creech larger than ever. Dear Veterans for Peace chapters and other peace organizations: Won’t you please consider sponsoring one member this year to participate in 4th Annual SHUT DOWN CREECH, Sept. 30-October 6?
FMI: Please contact:
Toby Blomé: ratherbenyckeling@comcast.net
Eleanor Levine: eastbaycodepink@gmail.com
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